cPanel + Git – ‘Git’ them to play nice on GoDaddy web hosting

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I decided to do some more work on Archiver (read more here) to re-write the front-end using Bootstrap.  I was looking for an end-to-end dev / production environment managed completely through GitHub (I made a repo 2 years ago but hadn’t touched it since).

I pulled and pushed code with my Linux Mint VM perfectly fine, but had some difficulty on the server side.  To my surprise, Git was already installed when I connected via SSH to my GoDaddy web hosting account .  However, cPanel Git is a bit different than using Git on a dedicated server.   It took a little while to figure it out, so I thought I’d share the steps it took to make everything work correctly.  I kept getting the error, “The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing”, and found a solution after a bit of searching.

Note: These directions assume that you have connected via SSH to your cPanel GoDaddy web hosting account.

  1. Set your name and email so your commits are labeled correctly.
    $ git config --global "Your Name Here"
    $ git config --global "[email protected]"
  2. Assuming you’ve already forked the repository, clone the fork.
    $ git clone
  3. Add a changed file.
    $ git add somefile.php
  4. Commit your changes.
    $ git commit -m "[your commit note here]"
  5. Push your changes (I’m using the actual URL instead of ‘remote’ to illustrate the change).
    $ git push -u[GITHUB_USERNAME]/[REPO_NAME].git

    But WAIT. You will probably get an error if you’re using cPanel Git on GoDaddy.

    error: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing fatal: HTTP request failed.

    To correct the error, make the following change…

  6. $ git push -u https://[GITHUB_USERNAME][GITHUB_USERNAME]/[REPO_NAME].git

    Notice the base URL has changed.
    https://[email protected]/ifyouwillit/Archiver.git

And there ya have it.  If you have comments or questions, leave them in the comment section below.

By the way, I can’t take all the credit.  Jess is the one that originally saved me!

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