Amazon Prime Now truly delivers

20150409206000Amazon Prime Now is now available in Austin, Texas. And, from how it appearsĀ on the Amazon Prime Now website, Austin is the exclusive launch city. From the moment I received the email about the launch of the service to the time of the delivery, the process was straightforward. I was amazed by the sheer quantity of items available for order from the service. From TVs to tuna, Amazon Prime Now promises delivery within a two hour time window. Delivery is contracted through a third party delivery company, and goods are assembled at a central Amazon warehouse. Interestingly, the delivery person explained that by-design, the person delivering never sees the contents of the order. The bag comes sealed with a tamper-evident label, and the whole process is transacted through the app (including the tip which is selected prior to delivery). Now, if only I could get 30 min delivery via drone. I have a feeling, that’s not too far off.

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