America’s SBDC Conference photo book

Stepping off the plane in Orlando is always a little surreal. The mix of families, Disney enthusiasts, retirees, and conference-goers has always been a stark contrast from other places I visit. This week, I ventured to Orlando’s enormous conference complex to spend time with SBDC (Small Business Development Center) advisors and consultants from around the country.

I could tell you all about the sessions, but there’s something more important you should know…

Freelancers, here’s what you should know about the SBDC

  • Many SBDC centers (often located at large institutions such as schools) partner with local freelancers to help aspiring small business owners with web development, business setup, and finances. (Read: referral / partnership opportunity)
  • If you’re looking for business advice or help as a freelancer, SBDC centers provide free advising services. (Read: Get free business help)

Don’t wait … find your local SBDC and figure out how you can help each other.

Meanwhile, I’m toying with a new way of capturing events in photos. One Polaroid camera (yes you can still get the camera), eight photos (yes you can still get the film), one conference. Let me know what you think in the comments.

My SBDC conference photo book

(One photo of the 8 is missing. It was an awesome photo with Verisign peeps at the conference. The photo is believed to be lost in an Uber somewhere in Orlando. Maybe some day it will show up.)

The first Polaroid photo I’ve ever taken. Pfunder standing with a coffee cup in the main hall of the SBDC conference. Not the best photo (a bit underexposed), but hey… it was my first try.
After some advice from the conference photographer, I threw a flash (which I normally don’t use when I’m shooting with an SLR) into the camera, and took a much-improved shot of Pfunder with a coffee mug on the conference floor.


Before dinner, I ran to Verizon to get a new non-exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7. This photo is blurry, which was another learning experience. Polaroid cameras weren’t really made for closeups.
The next day, I caught an advanced WordPress session led by the famous Sé Reed. Afterwards, Shawn, Sé, and I had dinner at the hotel. We had an overqualified server, the most amazing cherries, and talked about everything under the sun.
After dinner, there was a meetup for Millennials that work within the SBDC system. I gave Pfunder the camera to take the next photo. He accidentally took this picture while he was exploring the camera. I have the coolest looking shoulder, #amiright?!
Before heading to the airport, Shawn and I stopped by Hash House a Go Go. Good for the body? No. Good for the soul? Maybe… definitely tasty.
Here’s my first Polaroid selfie taken at Houston International Airport. Isaac mentioned on Twitter that this was probably the best way to spend the last exposure. I agree.

That’s all until next year. 🙂

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