Vlogging, and why I started doing it

If you’re a nerdy citizen of the web, or you spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos, it’s likely you’ve come across someone vlogging. The practice used to fall into the same category as emojis for me– in other words, things I said I’d never participate in.

What is vlogging?

vlogging cameraTo understand what vlogging is, lets step back and look at what a blog really is. If you don’ know, the word blog is short for ‘weblog’, the original descriptor for a website hosting chronological lists of posts, typically centered on a particular topic. So, a vlog is simply a web video log. In other words, vlogging is just the video version of blogging.

Why I didn’t start vlogging sooner?

I have friends who post videos. They’re typically raw, lightly edited videos. And the thing is, I think they’re awesome at it! The problem was, I didn’t really think I could make cool videos like theirs. After all, they offer awesome advice, and have vlogging experience on their side.

So why did I decide to start?

After attending a talk at Pressnomics earlier this month, something occurred to me. If I have a growing blog audience that enjoys my posts (which I do), and vlogging is just a video version of blogging (which it is), and I love to geek out with video equipment (which I always have), then why the hell aren’t I vlogging?

Good question Mendel, good question.[Tweet “If you have a growing blog audience, you should be vlogging.”]

But isn’t it a lot of work?

I thought it’d be a ton of work, but it’s super simple. In-fact, here are five reasons you should start vlogging right after reading this post:

  1. You can vlog almost anywhere and with any modern smartphone. No excuses.
  2. Any awkward pauses or bad recording can be edited out.
  3. YouTube is currently the second largest search engine, next to Google.
  4. If you’re already blogging, you’re already a non-video vlogger.
  5. You have something unique to contribute to the world. Do it on camera! 

After recording four videos, (one is scheduled for Monday, so SUBSCRIBE!) I can confidently say, ‘anyone can do it’. So get started! And to add a little more incentive, if you happen to read this and post your first legit vlog (first 3 to do it), I’ll mail you something cool.

Here’s my very first attempt. And trust me, it keeps getting easier and less awkward.

If you take my vlogging challenge, post a link in the comments section!

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