A Day of REST, the WordPress REST API conference

Feeling RESTful in London Ahhh London in January. It’s not usually the ideal place to spend a winter week, but there was something particularly special going on last week. January 28, 2016 marked the inaugural A Day of REST event, a new conference established to discuss how to build with the WordPress REST API. It was […]

Successful program planning, and the art of preparation

Program planning is a bit like backpacking Planning for and building a program or project is kinda like preparing for a backpacking trip. I’m not talking about driving a Ford Expedition into a campground with a backpack in the trunk, I’m talking about legitimate hike-in-10-miles-and-setup-basecamp sorta adventures. I often daydream about where I’ll go on my next […]

The story & meaning behind the WordCamp US GoDaddy Coins

The journey to the WordCamp US coin Anyone that has talked to me about work for more than a minute knows why I do what I do. GoDaddy has been on a massive journey towards brand and product awesomeness. We’ve been working on some really cool things that are having a profound impact on both […]

The hunt for a CampPress venue is officially on!

oklahoma sprint flowers

Incase you haven’t heard, I’m (not in association with my employer) working on a new social community experiment called CampPress. CampPress is a 2-3 day event that is about creating space to disconnect from our digital lives, and connect or form deeper connections with fellow members of the WordPress, geek, open-source, and tech communities. Think of […]

Why all Open Source projects matter

Before the internet, access to vast information and innovation was not always straightforward. Worldwide information infrastructure was built atop physical volumes of fragile paper text, and transmitted at rates that make a 14.4k modem seem lightning fast. Some say times were simpler then, but searching through a medical or legal journal is much easier now than ten years […]

Taking the blog post challenge

When experts talk about creating successful content-driven and highly trafficked websites, they stress the importance of regularly creating content. It’s something that’s difficult to do with a heavy travel schedule and work / social engagements. Recently Dre Armeda from Web Dev Studios mentioned a blog post challenge that Brad Williams is doing, and noted the difficulty of keeping up with a […]

Keep calm and cross-link on

keep calm and cross-link on

Using content to promote your eCommerce or affiliate marketing efforts is a way to seriously amp up your marketing mojo. Content marketing is extremely powerful because it gives you the ability to explain how a product or service is used, and why it provides value to your customer. Content marketing also allows you to tell […]

Looking for a WordPress job in Orlando?

job board at wordcamp orlando 2014

The fine people at WordCamp Orlando have or are looking for jobs and internships, and you can help! Spread this post on social media to web developers and designers that you know in the Orlando area. If you have a correction or addition, feel free to contact me, and I’ll update this page. Also, check […]

Top 10 WordPress Podcasts to Level Up Your Skills

Self-improvement is at the top of my list of life goals. Whether it’s physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally, my goal is to level-up every single day. Since WordPress is a big part of my life, I work to increase my WordPress skills on a regular basis, and you should too. If you haven’t subscribed to […]